Executive Board
Board Members

Stephen Grix
Stephen left school at the age of 15 with no qualifications. He subsequently gained two degrees and a host of vocational qualifications, all through part-time study. He started his academic career as a lecturer in 1977 before becoming a 6th Form college principal in 1996. His subsequent posts include senior manager at Ofsted, director of education at Tower Hamlets and CEO of Midkent College where he retired from in 2016. In addition, he was a non-executive director of Pearson Education Ltd from 2000-18. Stephen was awarded the OBE in 2013, for services to Further education

Sharon McDermott
Sharon joined the Executive Board on the 1st September 2024 and will succeed Stephen Grix as Chair of the Board from 1st November 2024. Stephen will remain as Sharon’s Vice Chairman.
Sharon firmly believes all people can succeed and with support recognise their own resilience and potential. She left school without qualifications, left the dysfunctional family home at 16 and gained qualifications through part time learning, college based learning and University. She was supported and mentored along the way and as a result is passionate about supporting and developing inclusive educational access for everyone.
Sharon is a qualified teacher and a current part-time Ofsted inspector. She has gained extensive senior management experience through several roles including director of operations for a charity working with complex needs delivering education, care and supporting mental health and in her current role as Regional Director for Novus overseeing education across London’s prisons. Sharon also has experience of headship across both primary and secondary education. She has worked in the education and childcare sector for over 25 years. Her skill base was developed working with young people with Complex Needs, Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH), both adolescent and primary. These young people were often also Looked After Children, children on the Child Protection Register or identified as Children in Need.

Abie Alfrey
Abie is a clinical psychologist with a special interest in nature-based mental health care. She is experienced in working with children and young people with and without SEMH needs, alongside their families and schools. Educated to doctoral level, she is currently employed as a senior clinician within the NHS and as a sessional academic by Canterbury Christ Church University. She has an active research interest in nature-based initiatives and her published work in the field is recognised internationally. She has trained in equine assisted psychotherapy alongside traditional talk-based therapies and currently maintains a small nature-based private practice where she works predominantly with young people.

Jackie Noble
Jackie was appointed to the Board in December 2023. Having left Fort Pitt Girls Grammar School at 18 with a range of academic and secretarial qualifications, she entered the Banking industry for 6 years, until taking a break for 9 years to raise her 2 children. Jackie then started work in Education at a challenging 11-18 secondary school. She worked at that school for 28 years, progressing through a range of posts from IT Manager, Head of IT Department, Head of Sixth Form, Assistant Head Teacher and member of the Senior Strategy Team for the school. Whilst running the IT Department and teaching full time, Jackie gained a degree and full teaching status. She retired from education in August 2022. Jackie has a wide range of strategic experience in whole school curriculum, safeguarding, special educational needs and staffing, gained throughout her educational career.

Karen Baker
Karen was appointed to the Board in December 2023. From an early career in hospitality & catering, Karen moved into Apprenticeship training before commencing her teaching career in further education 2002. In 2010 she became Head of Student Support at MidKent College and in 2014 Head of Faculty for Support & Foundation Education, focussing on the management of additional learning support; in particular for young people with Education Health & Care Plans. In 2016 she moved into Criminal Youth Justice as a Deputy Head of Education and subsequently Head of Education. She created a range of partnerships and activities to support children who have experienced trauma and adverse childhood experiences. In 2022 Karen moved into the charity sector as Head of Training for Bounce Back Foundation. Bounce Back specialise in training participants in construction skills, leading to employment for those with experience of criminal justice. Karen works closely with City & Guilds in developing training to the Assured Benchmark.