We aim to provide an environment where students can thrive and get back on track with their learning here at YTFS. Pupils attending YTFS do so due to a breakdown in their previous placement, often resulting in a lack of engagement or disruptive behaviour. Pupils are taught in small groups, with high adult ratios. Learning occurs outside of a formal classroom environment, instead using the farm as a classroom. The curriculum is carefully structured and personalised to the needs of each individual pupil to ensure maximum progress, achievement and confidence.
The curriculum is accessible to all learners and takes into account their ages, aptitudes and needs. It is designed to be broad and balanced and cover national curriculum aims appropriate to each individual learner's capabilities.
The curriculum provides learners with the opportunity to learn and follow the fundamental values of YTFS.
Fundamental Values:
Students and staff will -
Be kind above all else, demonstrating understanding and compassion to create a caring and safe environment
Have high expectations of themselves and of each other and work together to achieve these
Demonstrate perseverance when challenged
Strive to discover their identity and interests and build confidence in themselves as individuals
Be engaged and committed to their learning and subscribe to the emphasis on outdoor practical learning
The curriculum allows learners to confidently move on to further placements. It provides the necessary knowledge and skills for learners to avoid falling behind their peers in other settings, and to close the achievement gap that may be present due to the learner’s disaffection in a previous placement. Additionally, the curriculum has a strong emphasis on confidence building, resilience and independence, along with allowing learners to develop an understanding of their identity and values within the school community and beyond.
Learners at YTFS are engaged and motivated to progress and achieve. They are interested in the subjects and are proactive students with high expectations of themselves. They enjoy attending YTFS and subscribe to the school vision. Learners find the curriculum interesting and challenging.
Learners in KS2 have the following lessons each day:
Wellbeing Check In
English, phonics and SPAG
PSHE and coffee break
Topic or Science
Our curriculum is thematic with linguistic, scientific, technological, human and social and aesthetic and creative education taught together within a daily topic lesson. This allows learners the opportunity to fully engage with learning that interests them, has cross curricular links and real world applications. All of KS2 investigate the same theme at the same time, where appropriate, so the entire school can unite for their project work. Curriculum aims for each topic are differentiated based on students’ age and stage; with support and scaffolding available for those that need it, and challenges to push the most able of learners.
Each theme is chosen based on the interests of our student cohort. It is linked to the national curriculum, has relevant and high quality texts attached, includes work outside of the classroom, has real world links and builds life skills. Additionally each theme has teaching on SMSC and British Values. All details can be seen on our Topic Schemes of Work.
During maths lessons we follow Schemes of Work from Maths No Problem. Our maths lessons are short and reduce demands on learners that struggle to engage. Using a scheme allows learners to start work with limited pressure and quickly gain results and make progress. We are able to ensure work is differentiated for each student and provide adult support to those struggling. Individual challenges can be set to stretch all students, not just the most able.
Phonics, SPAG and literacy skills are taught as part of our English lessons every day, to ensure learners make quick and masterful progress. We use Read Write Inc phonics, to ensure a full coverage. Reading interventions occur twice daily for all students.
Our curriculum and teaching is strongly linked to our behaviour policy and our Learning Expectations. Through enjoyable and engaging lessons that students want to take part in, they develop their learning behaviours and are able to meet our expectations.
All of our planning, assessment and teaching takes into account students’ EHCPs and Independent Learning Plans. Targets are reviewed regularly to assess progress and teachers use reflective practice to ensure their lessons are supporting all students to meet their targets.
Learners will develop academic confidence throughout their time at YTFS and feel prepared to move onto another educational setting. They will have made strides to close the achievement gap and catch up with their peers so they are not behind when they move on. They will have experienced all topics on the national curriculum through the thematic curriculum and have a broad and balanced understanding. They will have made excellent progress with maths and literacy skills and feel able to achieve.
Learners will have developed their life skills and feel able to communicate with their peers and with adults, they will feel confident asking for help and voicing their concerns. They will have an understanding of their own physical and mental wellbeing and that of others and a strong sense of personal identity. They will be committed learners that enjoy school and are active members of their school community.
For more information on our Curriculum see our Curriculum Policy and our SMSC Policy