Yew Tree Farm School is an Outdoors School. The learning environment is challenging and will not be suited to all children and young people. Students must be able to cope with extremes of weather and physical tasks. Of course staff will always be on hand to help and support, but being on the farm full time can be difficult and tiring. Before embarking on the admissions procedure please consider whether this environment will be suitable for your learner.

All pupils at Yew Tree Farm School must have an Education, Health and Care Plan, consequently places are agreed and funded by Local Authorities rather than individual fee-paying places. Students have a primary need of ASC or SEMH needs and have struggled within a classroom based learning environment.
Alternatively, we also accept referrals from local schools, colleges and partnerships providing that they are willing and able to fund the placement. These may remain on roll at another establishment but spend an agreed time being educated within our school and alternative provision.
Admissions Procedure
A full assessment of each pupil’s needs will be undertaken; the following procedures are used: Referral papers sent to the school by the appropriate body e.g. Local Education Authority – these are reviewed by the Management Team to enable an understanding of the child’s needs. Current/previous schools or other agencies who have worked with the pupil will be consulted during this process.
Parents/carers/social worker will be invited for informal interview to further establish their needs.
If the school is happy to take the referral to the next stage, parents/carers will be asked to bring the child for an informal interview.
A number of taster days will be arranged as soon as possible after the interview has taken place.
Following the successful completion of interview and taster days, a place will be offered to the Local Authority for them to decide whether or not to agree funding.
A 6 week induction period will begin the school placement. This will be bespoke to the student and will include literacy, numeracy, reading and speech and language assessments. The induction period will be reviewed weekly.
If, during this time, an incident occurs that would warrant exclusion in line with school policy or strongly suggests that the school is not appropriate for the pupil the induction period will be brought to a close before the end of six weeks in consultation with the Local Authority. Depending upon the circumstances, this may be with immediate effect.
If a permanent place is offered the pupil will attend school once Local Authority agreement is in place and transport has been arranged. Parents/carers will be informed of a firm start date.
Admissions into the school are limited. If we are at capacity the referring body will be made aware of this and the learner can be added to a waiting list and / or seek a placement elsewhere.
Parental Support
At Yew Tree Farm School we emphasise the importance of a holistic approach. The role of parents/carers in supporting the school and child is vital and an important part of any progress and change a child can make. Therefore, if the school is not confident in parents/carers' willingness to support the school, its ethos and policies, the right to refuse admission on this basis will be upheld.