Welcome to Yew Tree Farm School
"Yew Tree Farm School is a small independent special school focused on helping students to become motivated and engaged learners. The Farm is our classroom, allowing learners to grow and thrive in a dynamic and challenging environment, that captures their interest and allows for meaningful progress."
Headteacher and Founder, Edwina Grix
Yew Tree Farm School is an Outdoors School for students aged 7-11, with an EHCP and funded by the local authority. Students have a primary need of ASC or SEMH needs, and have struggled during placements within a classroom based special school.
Our aim is to help students to transition back to a more traditional learning environment by the end of Key Stage 2, with the use of the alternative provision for a gradual approach.
Days are spent out on the farm, following a broad and balanced curriculum and learning in a unique and sometimes challenging outdoor environment. The animals and the farm form a critical part of each student's education. Core subjects skills and knowledge are gained and immediately applied to real world tasks.
The farm forms a community of engaged and motivated learners and staff, working together to build confidence, resilience and independence.